Tekst + meedia plokk, veidi pikema pealkirjaga
Ning empaatiline digitaalne riik arvamusfestival hotell seenelkäik turistid Pimedate Ööde Filmi Festival kui. Ega suitsusaun selge vesi tour d’ÖÖ. Iseseisvalt digitaalne riik tantsupidu kõige ettevõtlikum fintech revolutsionäär, elektritõuksid liivarand Jazzkaar jaanilõke seenelkäik.
Tekst + meedia plokk, veidi pikema pealkirjaga
Ning empaatiline digitaalne riik arvamusfestival hotell seenelkäik turistid Pimedate Ööde Filmi Festival kui. Ega suitsusaun selge vesi tour d’ÖÖ. Iseseisvalt digitaalne riik tantsupidu kõige ettevõtlikum fintech revolutsionäär, elektritõuksid liivarand Jazzkaar jaanilõke seenelkäik.
Täislaius tekst
Trash bin Smily Barrel is made of waste from our production. The barrel is left over when raw materials are used up and the top plastic cover is made of the leftover plastic waste. By doing so, we reduce our carbon footprint and help reduce waste pollution elsewhere. The capacity of Smily Barrel is 200 litres. When a trash bag is placed into it, it snaps into place thanks to the “smiling” dome. The openings of the dome are designed so that the rain does not get inside the box and the wind does not spin trash out of the bin. Smily Barrel is suitable for use both on forest sports tracks, as well as for larger public events and public buildings. The standard colors for the top dome are black and marble and for the barrel are black and green. If you want, we can use other colors and add pictures, logos or object names. See the attachment for dimentions.
The box is suitable for storing sand, light gravel and salt indoors and outdoors. It is made of durable PE plastic, which is recyclable. We can customize the colors according to the customer’s wishes. The main colors we use are green, yellow and faux marble.
The boxes are equipped with a locking feature. The grid box is a good solution for keeping anti-slip materials in places where they may be needed in an emergency, such as private houses, apartment buildings, bus stops, train stations, parking lots, important junctions, uphill and downhill streets, etc.
Traffic barrier H 800 is suitable for traffic on roads and streets where their visibility is required. Due to the barriers being relatively high, the barrier is always visible to the driver. Flashes and reflectors can be added to the products. The products are double-walled, hollow inside and can be stored on top of each other to save space.
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Nimekirja näidis
- Maritime – floating bridges, buoys, pontoons, etc
- Environmental construction – tanks, wells, pipe fittings, pumping stations, separators, etc
- Environmental economics – waste bins, outdoor toilets, liquid waste reservoirs, etc
- Agriculture – beverage containers, feed containers, liquid transport containers, water collection tanks, etc
- Design – elements of public space, furniture, lighting, playgrounds, toys
- Mechanical engineering – tanks, equipment covers, various details
- Road safety – roadblocks, sandboxes, etc